hispanic civil rights

Hispanic civil rights

Various Hispanic leaders have attempted to claim that their goals are comparable to the U.S. Civil Rights movement. See this appearance by Janet Murguia for an example. The huge differences should be obvious, including the fact that most of those "Latino civil rights leaders" are more concerned with giving illegal aliens rights to which they are not entitled.

Last modified Feb 6, 2009
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

2006: Gil Cedillo supports illegal immigration boycott, shills for cheap labor employers - 09/18/11

The video below has a 2006 speech from California state Assemblyman Gil Cedillo in support of a resolution supporting the "Great American Boycott" immigration march.

Obama admits problems caused by mass immigration; panders to illegal aliens; takes foreign citizens' side; opposes non-criminal deportations - 03/29/11

Barack Obama spoke at Bell Multicultural High School in Washington DC yesterday at a townhall conducted in Spanish for the Univision network. The host was anchor Jorge Ramos, a U.S.

Somos America, Alfredo Gutierrez turn backs on Arizona, lead boycott movement - 05/01/10

The incorrectly-named group Somos America and former Arizona state senator Alfredo Gutierrez are trying to form an umbrella group to push for a boycott of that state due to the new immigration law (link): If it hurts Latinos who live in the state, that's a price they're willing to pay, said former state Sen. Alfredo Gutierrez who is chairing the campaign. At a news conference Friday, Gutierrez said there is a need to expand the negative reaction far beyond the tourism industry, which already is being affected. Various organizations and governments already have announced they are canceling...

Hispanic leader promises civil disobedience without amnesty; Harold Meyerson helps (Casa de Maryland) - 03/17/10

Discussing March 21's big illegal immigration march, Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson says (link):

NCLR conducting "National Call-In for Immigration Reform" April 27 to May 1 - 04/23/09

The National Council of La Raza is conducting "Reflection and Action: A National Call-In for Immigration Reform" (nclr.org/content/news/detail/56918): From house call-in parties to community center and church gatherings, the goal is for participants to come together between April 27 and May 1 to reflect on immigration reform and call their members of Congress to continue the push for immigration reform. The video Americaโ€™s Immigration Legacy offers reflection to advocates participating in call-ins... ..."We are part of the steady drumbeat of support for workable immigration reform, and we can...

Clarissa Martinez/NCLR's offensive, misleading pro-illegal immigration editorial - 02/07/09

Clarissa Martinez of the National Council of La Raza (her bio at the first link) offers an offensive editorial called "Think Latinos are ambivalent about immigration?" (link). It's a response to an earlier editorial from Ira Mehlman (link), and it starts with this: At the height of his hubris, Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)-- an anti-immigrant organization designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- decided that he is better qualified than Latino civil rights leaders to speak to Latino views. What's next, David Duke writing...

Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon uses MLK speech to promote trackable 'work visas' - 01/21/08

Intellectually dishonest illegal immigration supporter Janet Murguia of the NCLR isn't alone in trying to tie illegal immigration in to the Civil Rights movement. Another instance occurred in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday at the Martin Luther King Jr. "Living the Dream" awards breakfast, featuring appearances by governor Janet Napolitano and Phil Gordon, mayor of Phoenix. News report here, and from his speech (link) Recently, right here in Phoenix a uniformed United States marine -- a man who fought for his country -- was told by "pretend patriots", that he was a disgrace to his uniform -- and...

Video: Gil Cedillo compares immigration reform to ending slavery and more - 09/09/06

[UPDATE: The video is no longer there, but I uploaded a cached copy and have a longer discussion of his comments here.]