Tweets to Ben Jackson

Ben Jackson's avatar
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Ben Jackson
Natick, MA
Taking on the NRA. #NoRA. Bylines @BostonGlobe, @PatnotPart, @TheHill, @CogWBUR. Former Navy Seabee. Dad. Support my writing below!
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From @deseraestage
@DadoftheDecade @GlobeOpinion @realDonaldTrump @senatemajldr Rarely do I come across a word I’ve legitimately NEVER seen or heard. Susurrus.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@deseraestage: @DadoftheDecade is a "fash". He wants to stop the #NRA, not just show them wrong. He'd silence 10s of millions of people. He's also incredibly weak, admitting he can't show his opponents wrong.
Ben Jackson's avatar
From @DadoftheDecade
My @GlobeOpinion op-ed: If @realDonaldTrump and @senatemajldr truly believe that mental illness is the root cause…
chris's avatar
From @ChrisinMass
@DadoftheDecade @GlobeOpinion @realDonaldTrump @senatemajldr States can actually define stronger gun control laws..…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ChrisinMass: @DadoftheDecade claims mental illness isn't the "root cause of mass shootings", but it certainly is a major factor. Were Newtown/Pulse/Parkland shooters mentally ill, yes or no? How many non-crime-related mass shootings were there when *machine guns* were legal?