Tweets to David Clinch

David Clinch's avatar
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David Clinch
Global Strategic Partnerships and Training at @Storyful.
Tweets to this user:
David Clinch's avatar
From @DavidClinchNews
The road to Washington goes via @StephenAtHome
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
1. Colbert is very pro-Big Biz on immigration; that helps Trump. 2. Colbert's "Drumpf" helped Trump. Did Stelter realize that & call him on it or just fluff? MT [7 big RTs based on a pro-Colbert @brianstelter blog] @DavidClinchNews The road to Washington goes via @StephenAtHome
Vijaya Gadde's avatar
From @vijaya
Twitter's latest transparency report New details about the enforcement of a number of key content policies.
David Clinch's avatar
From @DavidClinchNews
@vijaya @bborrman Great detail. Thanks
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidClinchNews: hey Dave, @vijaya lies to millions of people. She makes millions think their replies are visible but they're actually hidden. I can't imagine lying to one person, vijaya lies to millions. I've seen a lot but I can't comprehend that. What about you, Dave?
Del Harvey's avatar
From @delbius
Truly grateful for the past 10 years @Twitter and all the talented, passionate people I've had the chance to work wโ€ฆ
Jeremy C. Owens's avatar
From @jowens510
@delbius @Twitter This is just celebrating ten years and not announcing your departure, correct?
Del Harvey's avatar
From @delbius
@jowens510 @Twitter Correct. :)
David Clinch's avatar
From @DavidClinchNews
@delbius @jowens510 @Twitter you had me worried :)
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jowens510: @delbius lies to millions of people via ghosting. It's not just cons! She censors up to 50% of the replies to Trump officials, many from libs. She censors Kashmiri activists, Target customers, & Mike Trout fans. When will you call her on the data at my top tweet?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidClinchNews: hey Dave, delbius lies to millions of people via ghosting. Does @Storyful do something like that? Would you trick millions of your users? Or, unlike delbius, do you have a smidgen of ethics?